Holy Matrimony, from Salvo Magazine

Unbeknownst to me until after I shared it, the link in the previous re-post “Be fruitful, multiply…and have a good time” came to us from Fr. Richard Doerr, the pastor at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.  Father Richard must be catching up on his reading, as he has also provided this article from Salvo Magazine.

Holy Matrimony

Though the subject matter, and the conclusions, are similar, comparing Salvo Magazine to US News & World Report is like comparing Masterpiece Theater to Sesame Street.  This is a much more in-depth look at the relationship between one’s spiritual life and one’s sexual satisfaction.  Parts of it are, bluntly speaking, clinical.  It draws from a number of research studies and articles, ranging from The University of Chicago and C.S. Lewis to Redbook, and concludes that piety does not equal prudishness.  To the contrary, the subtitle–The Unexpected Connection Between Religion & Sexual Fulfillment–pretty much tells the story.

For me, the most encouraging part of these two posts, aside from the conclusions, is that we appear to be inching ever closer to the day when we will be able to share actual blog posts from Denise McGonigal and Fr. Richard, two of the most articulate voices in our parish community on the subject of sacramental marriage.  This blog went live back in January with the idea that both would be occasional contributors.  And while this hasn’t yet been the case, we seem to be making progress.  Christians across the globe have been awaiting Christ’s return for two millennia; followers of this blog can easily wait a few more weeks, or months, or years even, for the Holy Spirit to move our leaders to join this conversation.

Robin Phillips is the author of the book Saints and Scoundrels and is working on a Ph.D. in historical theology through King’s College, London.                                                         Robin blogs at http://robinphillips.blogspot.com.

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